
应用科学类纪录片,Discovery Channel 频道 2009 年出品,是 DC MythBusters 系列其中之一。


  • 中文片名 :迷你流言大集合
  • 中文系列名:DC 流言终结者
  • 英文片名 :Mini Myth Mayhem
  • 英文系列名:DC MythBusters
  • 电视台 :Discovery Channel
  • 地区 :美国
  • 主演 :亞當沙維奇(Adam Savage)

傑米海納曼(Jamie Hyneman)

多利貝樂奇(Tory Belleci)

凱利拜倫(Kari Byron)

史考特查曼(Scottie Chapman)

葛蘭特今原(Grant Imahara)

克莉絲蒂查柏林(Christine Chamberlain)

  • 语言 :英語
  • 时间 :约 44 分钟
  • 版本 :TV
  • 发行时间 :2009
Myth statement Status Notes
Ear Wax Candle: It is possible to make a usable candle out of earwax. Based on a scene in the film Shrek. Busted The Build Team collected wax from Tory’s ears and ignited it alongside paraffin and beeswax, two common materials used for candles. The earwax burned with some sparking and sputtering, whereupon the entire MythBusters crew, their families, and other volunteers were called in to provide more wax. When the team made this into a candle and lit it alongside one made from paraffin, the earwax burned very poorly and inconsistently and soon went out. They attributed this result due to the fact that the material did not melt down smoothly as did the paraffin, which could then easily travel up the wick to burn in the flame.
Camp Prank: Dipping a sleeping person’s hand in a bowl of warm water will cause him or her to wet the bed. Busted At the California Center for Sleep Disorders, Adam and Jamie set up a bed with a moisture-sensitive alarm. Each took a turn as a test subject, with the other ready to place the sleeper’s hand in the water once he had achieved a deep enough sleep. Jamie never reached that point, while Adam kept waking up due to his sleep apnea and ended up with his hands in an awkward position. Jamie was only able to pour the water over Adam’s hands, which soon woke him up without triggering the alarm. Crew member Matt Cordova was brought in for a third trial; five minutes after his hand was placed in the water, the alarm went off, but this was due to water spilling out of the bowl.
Gorn Cannon: It is possible to create impromptu gunpowder and use it to effectively fire a cannon made from a bamboo stalk. Based on the Star Trek episode “Arena.” Busted Grant and Tory collected the ingredients for gunpowder and began to mix them by hand in various ratios, testing them against industrial powder to find the best formulation. Meanwhile, Jessi bored out a thick bamboo stalk to use as a cannon barrel, which the Build Team wrapped with ropes to duplicate the episode more closely. They set up the cannon, with a Gorn target in front and “Captain Kirk” (Buster dressed in a red shirt, because, as Grant commented, any Star Trek crew-member that goes down to a planet in a red shirt is not coming back) at the breech, and loaded it with ammunition and homemade powder. When they set the cannon off, the powder only burned without exploding; they achieved the same result with an actual cannon and the homemade powder. When they loaded the bamboo cannon with industrial powder and set it off, the resulting explosion destroyed the barrel and wrecked “Kirk,” but the Gorn was undamaged. Finally, they made a second cannon, reinforced its breech with plywood, and fired it with the same charge, injuring “Kirk” far worse than the Gorn and leading the team to declare the myth busted.
Lead Plunge: A person can wet his hand and briefly dip it into molten lead without injury. Confirmed Adam and Jamie did some research on the Leidenfrost effect, in which cool water vaporizing on a very hot surface generates a layer of vapor that temporarily insulates against high temperature. They melted some lead in a crucible and heated it to 700 °F (370 °C), then dipped a raw, wetted sausage; it emerged partially cooked and with some particles of lead adhering to it. After they raised the temperature to 850 °F (450 °C), the sausage could be dipped and removed intact, since the lead was now hot enough not to solidify on contact. Finally, Adam and Jamie dipped their own fingers into the liquid—a pinky and an index for Jamie, four fingers at once for Adam—and brought them out unscathed. A whole coconut can be sent by mail without any packaging.
A strike-anywhere match can be lit if grazed by a bullet fired from a gun. Confirmed Adam and Jamie set up a .45 caliber pistol and aimed it at a match head. After several shots that either missed the match or destroyed the head entirely, they were able to get a bullet to graze the head and ignite it. They commented on the high degree of accuracy needed to make this shot.



内容 应用科学类 其它应用科学
  • 维基百科:流言终结者

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