- 中文片名 :世界八十宝藏
- 中文系列名:
- 英文片名 :Around The World In 80 Treasures
- 英文系列名:
- 电视台 :BBC
- 地区 :英国
- 语言 :普通话/英语
- 版本 :DVD
- 发行时间 :2005
从泰姬陵到自由神像,穿越巴特龙神殿与万里长城,建筑历史专家兼电视节目主持人丹. 告鲁力山克(Dan Cruickshank) 将透过这个BBC制作的节目带着观众在短短的五个月里,游历四十四个国家,探古索今,找寻全球最杰出的人工宝藏,展开一段紧凑的寻宝旅程,到访了世界最偏远及令人望而崇敬的宝藏,并向你娓娓道出世界伟大文明的兴衰。本系列共十集,内容涉及世界上最伟大的文明及其工艺瑰宝。其中所介绍的文物古迹包括墨西哥阿兹特文明的太阳石、日本的熊本城堡、柬埔寨的吴哥窟、中国的紫禁城和兵马俑、土耳其的特洛依遗址、耶路撒冷内的死海古卷、图腾卡门的石棺、蓝姆西斯二世的庙宇等等,与你一起见证八十个不论古代或现代人类的伟大文明及工艺瑰宝。
【从秘鲁到巴西】Peru to Brazil
Dan Cruickshank 踏上了最有野心的寻宝之旅——揭示人类创造的最美丽和珍贵的宝藏。丹深入巴西的亚马逊丛林,登上秘鲁山的顶峰,还踏上了遥远的复活节岛。他经历了风暴肆虐的海域,鳄鱼成群的河流,和水土不服的危机。他的选择从鼎鼎有名到不为人知。其中著名的是复活节岛,秘鲁的马丘比丘遗址,里约的基督巨像。不怎么有名但同样壮观的有喜欢用活人祭祀的莫切人留下的黄金宝藏,还有泥砖城市昌昌。如此丰富而广泛的人类宝藏从未被全面的揭示过。
【从墨西哥到美国】Mexico to America
【澳大利亚、东南亚】Australia to Cambodia
【日本、中国】Japan to China
【印度、斯里兰卡】India to Sri Lanka
【从乌兹别兰斯坦到叙利亚】Uzbekistan to Syria
在最近的专辑中,我们无畏的领路者进入到了一些神秘的国家。在那些地方,西方旅游者并不受欢迎。但是他很惊奇,因为他在不哈达和伊朗的波斯地毯店被年轻女孩搭讪了。所以,只要他愿意,就可以很受欢迎。撒马尔罕的瓦片制作,乌兹别克斯坦的贸易拱形,阿塞拜疆的火神庙,都是杰出的,但是都是少有人知的。然而,也有很多待解的谜题,比如19世纪的考古谜团,Bisitun 雕刻。
【約旦到衣索匹亞】Jordan to Ethiopia
Dan Cruickshank goes in search of the Arc of the Covenant, the legendary gold box which held the Ten Commandments. His journey takes him from Jordan to the Holy Land of Israel and Palestine and finally to Ethiopia, Africa’s Garden of Eden.
From start to finish this leg of his journey has the atmosphere of an endurance test. The astonishing city of Petra, so fine and intricate in its decoration yet carved directly out of the rock face, must be reached by donkey along a precipitous gorge; then Dan must get past the Guardian Monk of Ethiopia, who allows no-one to pass, and riskiest of all he must climb the vertical cliff face at Debre Damo to reach the treasures hidden inside the monastery on top of the mountain.
Along the way Dan encounters prehistoric skyscrapers and the most powerful king in Africa: King Lalibela. His ultimate prize is unexpected: to be cleansed of all shame by an ancient relic that wields its mystical powers beneath the Star of David. And the Arc of the Covenant? Maybe he finds it maybe not, but at least he escapes without being turned into a pile of ashes.
【从马里到埃及】Mali to Egypt
Dan Cruickshank’s journey reaches new heights of discomfort in the heat and dust of the desert - via the breathtaking but remote circumcision paintings of the Dogon in Africa to a love affair in Egypt with the most beautiful woman in history, for whom he must brave two giant jackals.
In between he witnesses the grotesque masks of Mali that connect the world of the living with the world of the dead; survives a powercut in the middle of the deepest, darkest chamber of the dead in the Great Pyramid outside Cairo; chooses to live a day in the life of a Roman trader in Leptis Magna; and identifies with Laurence of Arabia rather than Colonel Gadaffi in the desert of Libya.
One amazing surprise is the biggest mud building in the world, which cools down in the African sun through 104 saucepan lids on its roof - possibly the simplest ventilation system in the world, but also the most ingenious.
As he floats into the sunset down the Nile, Dan contemplates how it will feel to re-enter Europe after four months away.
【从土耳其到德国】Turkey to Germany
Dan’s penultimate journey takes him above Turkey in a hot air balloon. He moves on to Russia’s St Petersburg before heading toward the arctic circle and the remote monastery of Solovki. He then takes a personal journey back to Poland, where he grew up, before moving on to Berlin where he determines he must salvage something from the wreckage of Nazi Germany.
【从波斯尼亚到法国】Bosnia to France and Home
The end is in sight and Dan’s circumnavigation of the globe is almost complete. First there are some of the most brilliant treasures of all to enjoy
- Venice, Florence and Rome revive an exhausted but ebullient Dan about to take his 92nd flight of the trip before he sails for home.
His first destination would have been a dangerous place to visit just a few years ago; Mostar and its famous bridge spanning the Christian and Muslim worlds. Destroyed by missiles, it has now been rebuilt.
Then it’s on to Athens and the glories of the Parthenon before heading for the ultimate treasure trove of Italy - the beauties of Venice, the splendour of the Pantheon in Rome and the fabulous chapel of the Medici princes in Florence.
In Spain, Dan is astonished by the unrivalled brilliance of the Alhambra and echoes of the days when a large part of Europe was under the Islamic rule of the sultan.
At last it’s time for Dan to reflect on the immensity of his journey around the world. How has it changed him and what is he to make of it all? What can we all learn as human beings from the fantastic variety of mankind’s creations that an has seen? And what single thing more than any other has inspired man to create?
人物 Dan Cruickshank
内容 应用科学类 | 土木工程 | 土木建筑 |
社会科学类 | 社会 | 部落 |
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史地类 | 历史 | 古文明 |
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文化艺术类 | 空间艺术 | 工艺 |
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复活节岛 |
- 太阳石:墨西哥镇国之宝 深埋了两个世纪—from internet
- 世界风情画 - 吴哥窟 - 神话的发源地—from internet
- 紫禁城—百度百科
- 特洛伊考古遗址—from internet
- 耶路撒冷 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
- 圖騰卡門國王—from Internet
Category:片名 Category:BBC Category:2005 Category:Dan Cruickshank Category:4. 应用科学类 Category:4.4 土木工程 Category:4.41 土木建筑 Category:5. 社会科学类 Category:5.1 社会 Category:5.11 部落 Category:5.15 休闲活动 Category:5.151 旅游 Category:6. 史地类 Category:6.1 历史 Category:6.12 古文明 Category:6.122 欧洲古文明 Category:6.1221 希腊古文明 Category:6.123 美洲古文明 Category:6.1232 玛雅古文明 Category:6.1233 印加古文明 Category:6.124 非洲古文明 Category:6.1241 埃及古文明 Category:6.125 大洋洲古文明 Category:6.1251 复活节岛古文明 Category:6.2 地理 Category:6.22 亚洲 Category:6.221 东亚 Category:6.2211 中国 Category:6.2214 日本 Category:6.222 东南亚 Category:6.2222 柬埔寨 Category:6.2226 印度尼西亚 Category:6.223 南亚 Category:6.2231 印度 Category:6.2236 斯里兰卡 Category:6.224 西亚 Category:6.2244 土耳其 Category:6.2249 西亚其它国家 Category:6.225 中亚 Category:6.2254 乌兹别克斯坦 Category:6.23 欧洲 Category:6.231 西欧 Category:6.2317 法国 Category:6.232 中欧 Category:6.2321 德国 Category:6.2325 波兰 Category:6.235 南欧 Category:6.2352 西班牙 Category:6.2353 意大利 Category:6.2354 希腊 Category:6.24 美洲 Category:6.241 北美洲 Category:6.2415 墨西哥 Category:6.2417 美国 Category:6.242 南美洲 Category:6.2424 秘鲁 Category:6.2425 巴西 Category:6.2426 智利 Category:6.25 非洲 Category:6.251 非洲东部 Category:6.2511 埃塞俄比亚 Category:6.253 非洲北部 Category:6.2532 埃及 Category:6.26 大洋洲及其它各国 Category:6.261 澳大利亚 Category:7. 文化艺术类 Category:7.3 空间艺术 Category:7.32 工艺 Category:8.0034 复活节岛 Category:缺翻译