国家地理纪录片《野性印度的秘密 Secrets of Wild India》全三集

![Secrets of Wild India](http://natgeotv.com.au/content/cache/199x151/shows/thumbnails/secrets- of-wild-india.jpg)

Hidden away in the shadow of the Himalayas, roam the last great herds of India’s giant grazers; one-horned rhinoceroses, wild buffalo and Asian elephants. Through the eyes of a newborn elephant calf, visit a land of unexpected contrasts and else variety.

Under the shadow of the Himalayas hide rhinoceroses, wild buffalo and Asian elephants. Through the eyes of a newborn elephant calf, explore this land of unexpected contrasts and natural beauty.

The jungles of India are battlefields ruled by tooth and claw, where species fight for space, food and water. Dominated by the Bengal Tiger and Indian Wild Dog, this world knows nothing of compassion.

The Indian desert is a breathtaking but inhospitable place to live. The lions, leopards and desert cats that call it home must endure sandstorms, droughts and relentless heat.
