国家地理纪录片《透视北美五大湖DRAIN THE GREAT LAKE》

北美洲的五大湖是世上最大的淡水系統,對北美大陸具極大影響力。超過三千四百萬人住在湖邊的世界級大城市裡。這個劃時代的電視節目以虛擬手法讓湖水流乾,利用電腦影像顯現湖底的人類歷史和不斷演進的地質變化。 This fascinating docu mentary offers not only a window into the past, but also a peek into the future. As mankind’s influence over them grows, what lies in store for the Great Lakes? Can they survive humanity’s growing demands in the 21st century? North America’s Great Lakes are the largest system of freshwater on Earth, but what wonders would be revealed if all the water were suddenly to disappear from Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario? Exposing the lakebeds for the first time in thousands of years, this insightful programme explores unseen geological treasures and lost human history hidden since the last Ice Age. Fusing cutting-edge science with vivid CGI Draining The Great Lakes allows you to see what truly lies deep below the waves.

http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/AZIVOAIEEMDD 中文字幕:http://dl.dbank.com/c0xqm6agha