国家地理纪录片《死亡金字塔 Pyramids of Death》720P

国家地理带您走进墨西哥城东北的古城狄奥提瓦干,这里因太阳金字塔和克萨尔科多神庙而举世闻名。最新考古发现表明,这里的献祭现场曾经活埋了大量的人和动物。 The ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico was home to one of the most powerful and least understood civilizations. The civilization appeared out of nowhere to build some of the largest pyramids in the world, only to mysteriously vanish almost one thousand years later. National Geographic follows the ground- breaking excavations that have completely changed what was previously known or thought about the civilization of Teotihuacán. 中文名: 国家地理 死亡金字塔 英文名: National Geographic Pyramids of Death 资源格式: 720P 发行时间: 2010年 制作发行: National Geographic.地区: 美国 语言: 英语

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