
海洋曾经是地球上所有生物的家园,地球上大概有八成的生物还生活在海洋里,其中的大多数生活在人类无法存活的深海中,深海中有什么生物?又藏着什么秘密?科学家急于找出答案,全面的了解海洋,是为了更好地对它予以保护,以免人类鲁莽的行为让海洋成为荒原。现在,高科技装备能带我们潜入黑暗、高压的深海,进入这个充满神秘与惊喜的世界。 科学家在海面下400米的地方发现了一片融硫湖,然而两百度高温的融硫涌泉对生活在它下面的一条条比目鱼似乎毫无影响,比目鱼居然对这种滚烫的化学毒汤“免疫”, 这是生物学上的奇迹;科学家们还目睹了海底火山喷发的景象,以及在火山猛烈喷发的地方新发现的生物;科学家仍不清楚火山如何变成了生物栖息地,探索马里亚纳岛弧或许有助于解答这个问题。 黑暗、低温加上高压,深海比太空更不适于人类生存,而我们着手探索深海的时间跟开始探索太空的时间差不多。深海中的生物之多远远超出了我们的想象,胶质浮游生物到处都是,数量惊人,而且快速移动、游来游去……有的海洋生物会自己发光,水层越深,生物发光的重要性就更高。 深海中还更多的奥秘等待我们去发现,将来,我们会打造出更美更安静的潜水器,更能融入海洋环境,不会让深海生物觉得不舒服,这让我们从保持距离的旁观者变成直接参与者如果要让深海成为我们生活的一部分,我们还有很长的路要走。 It covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and holds the very key to a life within its silent shadowy depths. Prepare to dive the depths of our ocean to experience its awesome beauty and extraordinary power in our stunning new four-part series Life of Oceans. Each breathtaking episode brings to life a vast, interconnected ecosystem: from the diversity and significance of microscopic plankton, to the sleek power of top aquatic predators./ o; L; K* X$ C; s2 u" g: { To catch a glimpse of our ocean as you’ve never seen it before; from its creation through to transformation, its deepest mysteries and its coastal threats, understand how it has evolved, tune into the premiere of Life of Oceans on Monday 11 October at 9pm. EPISODE GUIDE Life of Oceans: Creation At four billion years old, the ocean is nearly as ancient as the planet itself. Find out the story of its turbulent beginnings Life of Oceans: Transformation Faced with increased acidity, less oxygen and warming temperatures, what does the future hold for the planet’s oceans? Life of Oceans: Deep Mysteries With technological advances allowing scientists to go deeper and deeper beneath the waves, catch a glimpse of the deep-sea beasts lurking below Life of Oceans: Threat Human activity has had a colossal impact on our coastlines. Can our ecosystems recover through careful marine protection plans?

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