《蒋勋 细说红楼梦》音频全集介绍这套由著名学者蒋勋老师主讲的《细说红楼梦》音频讲座,全面深入地解读了这部中国古典文学巨著。蒋勋老师以其渊博的学
越山河:一座座桥梁,一部贵州发展史爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-04-01 19:51 简介《越山河》是一部由贵州广播电视台、央视纪录频道联合制作的大型纪录片,于2023
BBC纪录片《王朝 Dynasties 2018》全5集原创 爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-03-27 15:21 自然纪录片经常展示动物王国的美丽和奇迹。但为生存而奋斗呢?Dynasties
If you’re a fan of science fiction, then the Three-Body Problem is a must-read book. Written by Chinese author Liu Cixin, this novel takes readers on a thrilling journey through space and time. The story revolves around the discovery of an alien civilization and the complex interactions between humans and this extraterrestrial race. With its intricate plot and fascinating characters, The Three-Body Problem will keep you hooked from start to
纪录片《出路》历时6年、追踪三个不同阶层孩子人生轨迹原创 爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-03-26 09:39 《出路》跟踪拍摄了三位来自不同社会阶层,历时六年追随三位主人
豆瓣9.7分 IMDB剧集类第二 :宇宙时空之旅爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-03-25 15:03 《宇宙时空之旅 Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey(2014)》是一部震撼人心的系列纪录
This science fiction epic, based on the Cixin Liu trilogy of the same name, arrived on our screens in 2023. “Three-Body” tells the story of humanity’s first contact with an alien civilization from a three-sun solar system, aptly named Trisolaris. The Trisolarans, facing chaotic climate cycles on their homeworld, set their sights on Earth as a new home. The series follows the efforts of various characters, both Chinese and international,
揭开传奇背后的女人的面纱:埃及艳后爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-03-24 10:40 2023年,Netflix用“克利奥帕特拉女王”为我们带来了对标志性的埃及统治者的
10个国外优秀纪录片网站 最后一个你肯定用过爱上纪录 公开课纪录片 2024-03-23 11:35 经常有很多朋友在后台询问:有哪些优秀的纪录片网站?如何找到国外的纪录片?在
Netflix 三体 全集看了吗?原创 Hada 公开课纪录片 2024-03-22 09:51 科幻迷们欢欣鼓舞! Netflix改编自刘慈欣广受赞誉的三部曲《三体》,已于2024年3月21日登陆。